Working for a Better Bottineau Neighborhood
Housing • Safety & Livability • Transit • Business Development

It is my honor to represent the residents and businesses of the Bottineau neighborhood. I’ve worked closely with your community as it developed its Small Area Plan and participated in large-scale planning for development of the Mississippi Riverfront. Some of the developments your neighborhood wants and needs are already in the works.
- 18th Avenue NE bikeway has been funded and is in final design.
- $1 million in grants has been received from the federal government for the creation of riverfront bike lanes from Broadway to Lowry.
- Additional police protection and conditions have been imposed on a local saloon to address concerns of nearby home and property owners.
- The Lowry Avenue Bridge renovation is completed, with additional improvements to come.
Housing: While not one of the hardest hit neighborhoods in Minneapolis, Bottineau did see foreclosures steadily rise from 2005 through 2011. I spearheaded the first public discussion of the foreclosure crisis, which led to a congressional hearing and ultimately to $70 million in state and federal funds coming to the City to rebuild home ownership.
I worked with the neighborhood association, the 2nd Police Precinct and City Regulatory Services to identify areas of concern and to apply public safety and regulatory strategies to make improvements in the neighborhood.
Transit: In 2008, I facilitated a Transportation Summit in the Third Ward to understand the impact of transit in our neighborhoods. I advocated for bus rapid transit connections for your community. I also support bike and pedestrian-friendly streets, a priority identified in your Small Area plan.
Business Development: Job creation and economic development are high on my list of priorities. There is a great deal of enthusiasm for an increase in the number and type of retail businesses along the Northeast Lowry Corridor. With the completion of the Lowry Avenue Bridge, work will begin on the Lowry Corridor with a focus on more business development.
Safety: Public safety is the number one priority for me and for my constituents. I serve on the City’s Public Safety, Civil Right & Health committee.
- I facilitate the Riverfront Entertainment District (RED) Partnership. This initiative was developed to increase public safety and police patrols in the area with the collaboration of the 2nd Police Precinct, Northeast businesses and the Northeast Chamber of Commerce. Last year, local businesses and neighborhoods contributed money for additional police patrols on Friday and Saturday nights in the summer.
- Monthly CARE Meetings: I initiated and I facilitate monthly CARE Meetings with Minneapolis 2nd and 4th Precinct, U of M police, crime prevention specialists, the fire marshal, Minneapolis Regulatory Services staff and inspectors, Minneapolis Public Housing staff, the City Attorney, Hennepin County probation office, Hennepin County Taxpayer Services staff, and others to discuss, report on and resolve critical public safety matters, economic developments and other issues of importance to our Ward and City. We have enjoyed eight straight years of crime reduction in the Third Ward. My neighborhoods have seen ongoing reductions in crime.
Green Spaces: Your neighborhood has a wealth of green spaces but physical and visual barriers prevent them from being fully utilized. Your Small Area Plan envisions the rail corridors transitioning to paths and open space and the creation of a pedestrian greenway connecting parks to the river. Some of those plans can be fulfilled with the help of a $1 million federal grant for the creation of riverfront bike lanes from Broadway to Lowry Avenue.
Community Engagement
Communities can resolve problems and create opportunities when diverse groups of people come together to talk. That’s why I sponsor the yearly NeighborhoodFEST to give those who live and work in the Third Ward an opportunity to build connections and learn from one another.
The Bottineau neighborhood will be key to Riverfront development efforts in coming years and I look forward to working with you to ensure that development contributes to, rather than detracts, from your community.
As your City Council member, I will continue to listen and create ongoing opportunities for community engagement. I will ensure your voice and views are heard as new developments move forward.