Working for Better Downtown East and Downtown West Neighborhoods
Safety • Green Spaces • Schools • Business & Riverfront Development

The two neighborhoods in the center of the City of Minneapolis – Downtown East and (parts of) Downtown West – are joining the Third Ward as a result of redistricting. Many of the issues that concern me are also of great concern to you, such as:
- Public safety
- Livability
- Transportation
- Good relations between businesses and residents, and
- Establishing the right mix of business development in a neighborhood
What Makes a Livable Neighborhood?
New and renovated apartments, condos, and townhomes in the downtown neighborhoods attracted residents who wanted to be close to work and to the vibrant nightlife Minneapolis has to offer. As these new residents start families, many are finding that school options and green space are becoming more important to them. It will be important for the park dedication fee to be passed by the state legislature this year as a funding mechanism to ensure the expansion of green space and neighborhood parks. I will work with legislators to help pass this legislation.
Safety and Livability: Public safety is the number one priority for me and for my constituents. I serve on the City’s Public Safety, Civil Right & Health committee. I facilitate monthly CARE Meetings with Minneapolis and U of M police, crime prevention specialists, the fire marshal, City Regulatory Services staff and inspectors, Minneapolis Public Housing staff, the City Attorney, Hennepin County probation office, Hennepin County Taxpayer Services staff, and others to discuss and report on critical public safety matters, economic developments and other issues of importance to our Ward and City. My neighborhoods have seen ongoing reductions in crime.
Schools: I have asked the Minneapolis School Board and the School Superintendent to support expansion of schools into the downtown neighborhoods. It is much needed in our downtown core as new families and children continue to move into the area.
Transit: Providing multiple transit options is one way to reduce traffic congestion in the City. Transportation is a key issue for me. In 2008, I facilitated a Third Ward Transportation Summit to examine the variety of transportation options available as we move forward with a “complete street” model for the City of Minneapolis. The Stadium project is going to force greater examination of transit along Washington Avenue as well as the entire Stadium area.
Significant changes are already underway to ease congestion, improve mobility and strengthen the community with the:
- Central Corridor Light Rail linking downtown Minneapolis to the University of Minnesota to Downtown St. Paul
- Northstar Commuter Rail linking Elk River, Ramsey, Anoka, Coon Rapids and Fridley to Downtown
- Street marking improvements for greater bike safety
- The year-long study of Nicollet-Central Transit Alternatives is underway, seeking improvements to that transit corridor.

Business Development: Business development is exploding in the downtown area. I am directly involved with the decision making of two of the biggest development projects affecting the downtown: Riverfront development and the Vikings Stadium.
- I am a member of the Executive Committee of the Minneapolis Riverfront Partnership and I serve on the steering committee of RiverFIRST.
- I serve on the Vikings Stadium Implementation Committee of the Minneapolis City Council.
- I serve on the 2025 Plan for Meet Minneapolis.
Community Engagement
Communities can resolve problems and create opportunities when diverse groups of people come together to talk. That’s why I sponsor the yearly NeighborhoodFEST to give those who live and work in the Third Ward an opportunity to build connections and learn from one another.
Moving Forward
With your continued support, as your City Council member I will continue to listen and create ongoing opportunities for community engagement. I will ensure your voice and views are heard as new developments are emerge.